Auxiliary Material for Paper 2004GL021051: An Estimate of the Global Distribution of Radon Emissions from the Ocean S. D. Schery and S. Huang New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Physics Dept. Socorro Geo. Res. Lett., 10.1029/2004GL021051 Introduction This auxiliary material consists of this readme.txt file and thirteen data files giving the flux density for the ocean for each month of the year and an annual average as described in the journal article. The organization for each file is the "Gaussian" grid of dimensions 192 x 94 for a total of 18048 entries. The first entry is for 88.542N 0E, the second entry is for 88.542N, 1.875E, working east, then south, then east, etc. over the entire earth's surface. This organization is the same as the "Gaussian" grid used by the National Centers for Environmental Protection Reanalysis Project ( as of the year 2004. A flag value of minus one is used to designate land; otherwise entries are floating point values in milliBequerels per square meter per second (1 milliBequerel per square centimeter per second = 0.0477 radon atoms per square centimeter per second). The files are ASCII text files named in the form 2004GL21051-radcl[x]c.txt, where [x] = 1 is January, [x] = 2 is February, and so on with [x] = 13 the annual average.