Auxiliary material for Paper 2004GB002445 Iron in the Sargasso Sea (Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study region) during summer: Eolian imprint, spatiotemporal variability, and ecological implications P. N. Sedwick (1), T. M. Church (2), A. R. Bowie (3), C. M. Marsay (1), S. J. Ussher (4), K. M. Achilles (2*), P. J. Lethaby (1**), R. J. Johnson (1), M. M. Sarin (2) and D. J. McGillicuddy (5) (1) Bermuda Biological Station for Research, St George's, Bermuda (2) University of Delaware, Newark and Lewes, Delaware, USA (3) University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (4) University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom (5) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA (*) Now at University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA (**) Now at University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19, doi:10.1029/2004GB002445, 2005 Sedwick, P. N., T. M. Church, A. R. Bowie, C. M. Marsay, S. J. Ussher, K. M. Achilles, P. J. Lethaby, R. J. Johnson, M. M. Sarin, and D. J. McGillicuddy (2005), Iron in the Sargasso Sea (Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study region) during summer: Eolian imprint, spatiotemporal variability, and ecological implications, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 19, GBXXXX, doi:10.1029/2004GB002445. Introduction: The two supplemental tables provide water-column concentration data (iron and macronutrients from trace-metal hydrocast samples) and aerosol concentration data (total iron from aerosol filter collections) from the summer 2003 and spring 2004 cruises in the Sargasso Sea. The details of sample collection, processing and analysis are provided in the methods section of the paper. The tables are as follows: 1. 2004GB002445_sup_table1.txt Station-by-station data from the summer 2003 and spring 2004 cruises. Data columns are: sampling date (; station latitude (degrees-minutes N); station longitude (degrees-minutes W); sample identification number (FeATMISS1 refers to the summer 2003 cruise, FeATMISS2 to the spring 2004 cruise); sample depth (m); dissolved iron concentration (nM); total-dissolvable iron concentration (nM); dissolved inorganic nitrate+nitrite concentration (micromolar); and dissolved inorganic phosphate concentration (micromolar). Note that surface seawater (0-1 m depth) samples are assigned a depth of 0.5 m. Due to accidental sample loss during processing, only a small volume (~11 mL) of sample FeATMISS1-1-5 was filtered for dFe analysis, and this subsample was acidified for only ~24 hours (rather than >6 months) prior to dFe determination; the limited sample volume available for analysis resulted in poor reproducibility (±26%) for the duplicate measurements made on this sample. ND = not determined. 2. 2004GB002445_sup_table2.txt Total aerosol iron concentrations (in air) calculated from analysis of iron in aerosol filter samples from the summer 2003 and spring 2004 cruises. All samples were collected within ~20 km of the drifting array that served as a reference point for the hydrocasts, while slowly underway over periods of ~12 hours. Data columns are: sampling start date; sample identification number (FeATMISS1 refers to the summer 2003 cruise, FeATMISS2 to the spring 2004 cruise); and total aerosol iron concentration.