#begin_header #investigators=Andrew M P McDonnell #affiliations=University of Alaska Fairbanks #contact=amcdonnell@alaska.edu #experiment=Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) #cruise=RB1503 #data_type=cast #start_date=20150411 #end_date=20150618 #start_time=00:19:12[GMT] #end_time=04:49:13[GMT] #north_latitude=56.1398[DEG] #south_latitude=-16.9557[DEG] #east_longitude=-149.8617[DEG] #west_longitude=-153.1182[DEG] #missing_data=-9999 #instrument_manufacturer=Hydroptic #instrument_model=UVP5 # # COMMENTS # # Underwater Vision Profiler 5 Unit Serial Number 009 manufactured by Hydroptic # This data was exported from Ecotaxa (https://ecotaxa.obs-vlfr.fr) # Ecotaxa export source file: export_detailed_20210325_18_53_ZOO_odv.txt # Ecotaxa Particle Module project identifier: uvp5_sn009_2015_p16n # Ecotaxa project page: https://ecotaxa.obs-vlfr.fr/prj/43 # R/V Cruise Id = RB1503 # # Contributors: # UVP operators: Andrew M. P. McDonnell (Tahiti to Hawaii) and Jessica S. Turner (Hawaii to Alaska) # Image validation: Rachel Lekanoff, Jessica Pretty, Stephanie ODaly, and Benjamin LeBlanc # Data preparation: Brita Irving, University of Alaska Fairbanks # # Data quality disclaimer: image validation performed by non-experts and should be used with great care # See Ecotaxa_Image_Key_NorthPacific_UAF.pdf for example images of major taxonomic categories used for validation # # bin_depth represents the center of each 5 meter depth bin # # Uncertainty due to counting statistics can be calculated as follows. # For example: # relative uncertainty [none] # relative_unc = sqrt(abun_{#}id * volume)/(abun_{#}id * volume) # uncertainty in the abundance [number/m^3] # abun_{#}id_unc = relative_unc * abun_{#}id # uncertainty in the biovolume [mm^3/L] # biovol_{#}id_unc = relative_unc * biovol_{#}id # uncertainty in the average equivalent spherical diameter [mm] # avgesd_{#}id_unc = relative_unc * avgesd_{#}id # #end_header