Mercury in precipitation; US GEOTRACES Arctic (GN01) HLY1502 PI: Robert Mason (UConn) Version history: 2021-01-25 (v1) - renamed fields with DOoR barcodes 2019-11-01 (v0.5) - revised dataset received Oct 2019 2019-10-14 (v0) - version received July 2019; preliminary/for PI review Notes: na = Geotraces number or Event # was not assigned to this sample; All samples except Event 16 involved a rinse of the funnel/bucket using DI water and subsequent collection of that rinse. This was either because of low (or no) sample volume, or in a couple of cases, to help melt snow that had accumulated in the funnel. DIW rinse volume used was always 100ml. Total volume is approximate and based on measurement of sample/rinse volume from the other bucket.