# Generating and Plotting XBeach Model Results for Kwajalein Island Climate Change Scenarios These data files and MATLAB scripts reproduce the model data and figures as published in Bramante et al. (in prep) Modeling the impacts of a changing climate on cross-shore sediment transport: Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. ## Motivation We are dedicated to practicing reproducible research, and these files are intended to allow other researchers to reproduce our analyses and produce modifications should they wish. ## File Summary 1. **Kwajalein_xbeach_runs_publication.m** is a MATLAB script that drives the phase-resolving wave model [XBeach](https://oss.deltares.nl/web/xbeach/) under six scenarios: 1. Historical wave climate and historical mean sea level 2. Projected wave climate for 2100, but historical mean sea level 3. Historical wave climate and 0.5 m of sea-level rise 4. Historical wave climate and 1 m of sea-level rise 5. Historical wave climate and 1.5 m of sea-level rise 6. Historical wave climate and 2 m of sea-level rise The XBeach model results are read into MATLAB, organized in a struct variable, and saved as a MATLAB data file (.mat). 2. **Kwajalein_xbeach_runs_publication_10Hz.m** is a MATLAB script that does the same as 1), but produces output at 10 Hz for select points along the model profile 3. **publication_figures_repository.m** reproduces most of the figures in Bramante et al. It performs a large amount of analysis on the XBeach model output data, is not optimized for computational efficiency, and can therefore take quite a long time to run. 4. **wave_hht.m** - Auxiliary function used by **publication_figures_repository.m** 5. **spectral_wave_artificial.m** - Auxiliary function used by **publication_figures_repository.m** 6. **localpeaks_cheriton.m** - Auxiliary function used by **spectral_wave_artificial.m** 7. **vect_cat.m** - Auxiliary function used by localpeaks_cheriton.m 8. **Kwajalein_transect_model_bathymetry.mat** -MATLAB data file containing the cross-sectional transect of depths used for the XBeach modelling 9. **Storlazzi_historical_all_GCM_clusters.mat** -Matlab data file containing K-means cluster centroids for the WavewatchIII GCM ensemble, Historical scenario 10. **Storlazzi_2100_85_all_GCM_clusters.mat** -Matlab data file containing K-means cluster centroids for the WavewatchIII GCM ensemble, 2080-2100 scenario 11. **Wavewatch_mean_wave_parameters.mat** -MATLAB data file containing mean wave height, period, and direction from the NCEP reanalysis WavewatchIII hindcast, phase 1 for the first open ocean grid cell to the East of Kwajalein Island ## Suggested implementation Implementing these files requires MATLAB with the Signal Processing Toolbox. We suggest that you use these files with the following procedure: 1. Install [XBeach](https://oss.deltares.nl/web/xbeach/) and the [XBeach MATLAB toolbox](https://oss.deltares.nl/web/xbeach/tools) 2. Move all files in this package to the same *directory* 3. Navigate to the *directory* in MATLAB 4. Open **Kwajalein_xbeach_runs_publication.m** and provide directories for the input files (the current *directory*) and output (we suggest the current *directory* again) 5. Run **Kwajalein_xbeach_runs_publication.m**. Depending on the XBeach build and your hardware, this could take days. 6. Open **Kwajalein_xbeach_runs_publication_10Hz.m** and provide directories for the input files (the current *directory*) and output (we suggest the current *directory* again) 7. Run **Kwajalein_xbeach_runs_publication_10Hz.m**. Depending on the XBeach build and your hardware, this could take days. 8. Open **publication_figures_repository.m** and provide input and output directories (we suggest using the current *directory*) 9. Run **publication_figures_repository.m** all the way through (depending on your hardware, this may take days to a week) ## Permissions These files should have been released upon publication of the underlying paper. Please cite that paper in any publications resulting from use of the files in this project.