This folder contains 9 grid files and four folders as described below. 1. Grid files include the following: (1) arsrp_AGE.grd -- This shows age information (grid size: 400m; unit: m.y.) within the survey area. (2) arsrp_bathy.grd -- This shows shipboard multibeam bathymetry (grid size: 100m; unit: m) within the survey area. (3) arsrp_crust.grd -- This shows relative crustal thickness (grid size: 400m; unit: km; reference thickness = 6 km) within the survey area. (4) arsrp_nonon-isostatic topography.grd -- This shows non-isostatic topography within the survey area (grid size: 400m; unit: m) (5) arsrp_rmba.grd -- This shows residual mantle Bouguer anomaly (RMBA) within the survey area (grid size: 400m; unit: mGal) (6) arsrp_Eflank_SSN.grd -- This shows north-looking side-scan sonar data for the east flank of the MAR within the survey area (grid size: ~20m). (7) arsrp_Eflank_SSS.grd -- This shows south-looking side-scan sonar data for the east flank of the MAR within the survey area (grid size: ~20m). (8) arsrp_Wflank_SSN.grd -- This shows north-looking side-scan sonar data for the west flank of the MAR within the survey area (grid size: ~20m). (9) arsrp_Wflank_SSS.grd -- This shows south-looking side-scan sonar data for the west flank of the MAR within the survey area (grid size: ~20m). 2. Four folders include the following: Folder (1): -- This folder contains two plate-reconstruction movies of non-isostatic topography and RMBA from Chron 8n to the present. West-flank data are held fixed. Folder (2): -- This folder contains the locations (longitude, latitude) of the axis of maximum depth (AMD) of all segment boundaries (i.e., traces of non-transform discontinuities, NTDs) within the study area. Segment names and flank information are reflected in file names, for example: SegAE_Eflank_boundary.dat -- Indicates the NTD between segments A and E (SegAE) on the east flank (Eflank). SegA_Eflank_south_boundary.dat -- Indicates the NTD at the southern boundary (south_boundary) of segment A (SegA) on the east flank (Eflank). SegI_Eflank_north_boundary.dat -- Indicates the NTD at the northern boundary (north_boundary) of segment I (SegI) on the east flank (Eflank). Folder (3): -- This folder contains all isochrons (longitude, latitude) for conjugate flanks of the MAR within our survey area. Chron name and flank information are reflected in file names, for example: allmag2anwnote.TXT – Indicates: - all = all spreading segments - mag = magnetic anomalies - 2an = Chron 2an - w = west flank of MAR - note = notation of segment names ridgenote.TXT -- Indicates locations of current spreading axis (ridge) with notation of segment names (note). Folder (4): -- This folder contains data calculation results for all NTDs and segments that are presented in the paper, including M and T extension factors, topography, RMBA, crustal thickness, segment length, age, etc. Segment names and ridge-flank information are reflected in file names, for example: SegA_inward_Eflank_xyaztnrcf_allS_L0.040094W0.20047_100m_allslope_final.dat – Indicates data within 20-km wide boxes: - SegA = Segment A - inward = inward-facing slopes - Eflank = east flank of the MAR - xyaztnrcf = columns 1 to 9 - allS = all slope - L0.040094 = 4-km box steps (in degree) - W0.20047 = 20-km-wide box (in degree) - 100m = multibeam bathymetry grid size - allslope = all slope - final = final results There are 41 columns in the file: Column 1: Average longitude within the box (x, unit: degrees) Column 2: Average latitude within the box (y, unit: degrees) Column 3: Average age within the box (a, unit: m.y.) Column 4: Average seafloor depth within the box (z, unit: m) Column 5: T extension factor within the box for slopes >5 degrees (t); Column 6: Average non-isostatic topography depth within the box (n, unit: m) Column 7: Average RMBA within the box (r, unit: mGal) Column 8: Average crustal thickness within the box (c, unit: km) Column 9: Average free-air gravity anomaly (FAA) within the box (f, unit: mGal) Column 10: T extension factor within the box for slopes >10 degrees Column 11: T extension factor within the box for slopes >15 degrees Column 12: T extension factor within the box for slopes >20 degrees Column 13: T extension factor within the box for slopes >30 degrees Column 14: Minimum seafloor depth within the box (unit: m) Column 15: Mode seafloor depth within the box Column 16: Median seafloor depth within the box Column 17: Maximum seafloor depth within the box Column 18: Minimum non-isostatic topography depth within the box Column 19: Mode non-isostatic topography depth within the box Column 20: Median non-isostatic topography depth within the box Column 21: Maximum non-isostatic topography depth within the box Column 22: Minimum RMBA within the box (unit: mGal) Column 23: Mode RMBA within the box (unit: mGal) Column 24: Median RMBA within the box (unit: mGal) Column 25: Maximum RMBA within the box (unit: mGal) Column 26: Minimum crustal thickness within the box relative to 6 km model crustal thickness (unit: km) Column 27: Mode crustal thickness within the box relative to 6 km model crustal thickness (unit: km) Column 28: Median crustal thickness within the box relative to 6 km model crustal thickness (unit: km) Column 29: Maximum crustal thickness within the box relative to 6 km model crustal thickness (unit: km) Column 30: Minimum FAA within the box (unit: mGal) Column 31: Mode FAA within the box (unit: mGal) Column 32: Median FAA within the box (unit: mGal) Column 33: Maximum FAA within the box (unit: mGal) Column 34: Minimum crustal age within the box (unit: m.y.) Column 35: Mode crustal age within the box (unit: m.y.) Column 36: Median crustal age within the box (unit: m.y.) Column 37: Maximum crustal age within the box (unit: m.y.) Column 38: The order of box counting from young to old crust Column 39: Average box length of the irregular limits (unit: km) Column 40: Average segment length of the irregular limits (unit: km) Column 41: Distance from segment center to flowline anchored at present intersection with ridge axis (unit: km) SegA_Wflank_xyanSeglFL_L0.010023W0.050117_flowline_dis_final.dat – Indicates data within 5-km boxes: - SegA = Segment A - Wflank = west flank of the MAR - xyanSeglFL = columns 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 - L0.010023 = 1-km box steps (in degree) - W0.050117= 5-km-wide box (in degree) - flowline_dis = distance from segment center to discontinuity - final = final results There are 10 columns in the file: Column 1: Average longitude of box (x, unit: degrees) Column 2: Average latitude of box (y, unit: degrees) Column 3: Average crustal age of box (a, unit: m.y.) Column 4: Average non-isostatic topography depth of box (n, unit: m); Column 5: Box length of box (unit: km); Column 6: Segment center longitude of box (degrees) Column 7: Segment center latitude of box (degrees) Column 8: Segment length of box (Segl, unit: km) Column 9: Distance from segment center to flowline of box (unit: km) Column 10: The order of box counting from young to old crust. DISC_AE_SegASegE_Eflank_dis2flowline_L0.010023W0.050117.dat – Indicates data within 5-km wide boxes: - DISC_AE = NTD AE - SegASegE = Segments A and E - Eflank = east flank of the MAR - dis2flowline = columns 6 - L0.010023 = 1-km box steps (in degree) - W0.050117= 5-km-wide box (in degree) There are 6 columns in the file: Column 1: Longitude of axis of maximum depth in NTD (unit: degrees) Column 2: Latitude of axis of maximum depth in NTD (unit: degrees) Column 3: NTD age (unit: m.y.) Column 4: Flowline longitude at corresponding age (unit: degrees) Column 5: Flowline latitude at corresponding age (unit: degrees) Column 6: Distance from NTD to flowline anchored at intersection with present ridge axis (dis2flowline, unit: km)