Time-series Niskin-bottle sample data from R/V Hermano Gines cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 through 2017 PI: Frank Muller-Karger Version: 2019-06-06 Quality flags: 0 data is correct 1 data is an outlier above/below 3 standard deviations of the long term mean for each depth v evidence of ventilation (0v or 1v) Quality control flags were not assesed for: Total Prokaryotes and Bacteria Biomass Other signs: nd sample was not taken, not measured BM_master Samples collected on different date by Stony Brook University group, and reported in the master file of those cruises (Master: Biochemistry & Microbiology) Notes: The biological cast (Primary Production, Chlorophyll, and Feopigments) was different to the hydrographical variables, and the times of it are presented in the last columns Cast '0' at cruise 229 refers to manually lowered Niskins bottles.