CARIACO Time-series biogeochemistry and microbiology measurements in the CARIACO Basin n.a. = not available b.d. = winkler titration or sulfide analysis gave negative number SD = calculated standard deviation lost = sample lost n.s. = correlation coefficient for slope of acetate uptake or respiration <0.8; therefore rate not significant FLAGS n.f. = no flag a = Below reported detection limit (details in metadata file) b = No replicates c = flag included if precision >10% AND concentrations > 2 micromoles per liter H2S OR 0.05 micromoles per liter CH4 d = flag included if precision >20% AND concentrations > 2 micromoles per liter H2S OR 0.05 micromoles per liter for CH4 e = TZVS samples extracted for 60 minutes rather than 30 minutes PI: Mary Scranton and Gordon T. Taylor Version: 2019-06-03 Previous version 2018-12-07 Previous version 5 May 2016 Previous version 13 June 2012 Previous version 3 January 2010