Coastal ocean processes inner-shelf study : coastal and moored physical oceanographic measurements
Coastal ocean processes inner-shelf study : coastal and moored physical oceanographic measurements
Alessi, Carol A.
Lentz, Steven J.
Austin, Jay A.
Lentz, Steven J.
Austin, Jay A.
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Duck, NC
Middle Atlantic Bight
Middle Atlantic Bight
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Oceanographic instrumentation
Marine meteorology
Endeavor (Ship: 1976-) Cruise EN249
Endeavor (Ship: 1976-) Cruise EN258
Oceanographic instrumentation
Marine meteorology
Endeavor (Ship: 1976-) Cruise EN249
Endeavor (Ship: 1976-) Cruise EN258
To improve our understanding of the physical and biological processes influencing plantonic larval distributions over the inner
shelf, an interdisciplinary field program funded by the National Science Foundation's Coastal Ocean Processes program (CoOP)
was conducted near Duck, North Carolina in the southern porton of the Middle Atlantic Bight. The field program took place from
August to December, 1994 and included both moored and shipboard measurements of physical, biological and sedimentological
This report summarizes the observations from one component of this field program, a moored array of physical oceanographic
and meteorological instruments. This component of the field program consisted of a cross-shelf array of three surface/subsurface
mooring pairs in 13 m, 20 m and 25 m of water supporting instruments to measure currents, temperature and conductivity, a suite
of meteorological instruments on surface buoys at the 20 -m and 25 -m site, and an along-shelf array of temperature, conductivity
and bottom pressure sensors mounted on jetted pipes along the 5-m isobath and on moorings along the 20-m isobath. The report
includes descriptions of the cross-shelf and along-shelf arrays, the four types of instruments used (VAWRs, VMCMs, SeaCats, and
SeaGauges), and the data return from the field program. Statistical and graphical summaries of the atmospheric (wind, air
temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, short- and long-wave radiation), and oceanic (current, water temperature,
conductivity and bottom pressure) measurements are presented.
Embargo Date
Alessi, C. A., Lentz, S. J., & Austin, J. (1996). Coastal ocean processes inner-shelf study: coastal and moored physical oceanographic measurements. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.