2006 program of studies : ice

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Balmforth, Neil J.
Wettlaufer, John
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Sea ice
Study Program. Professor Grae Worster (University of Cambridge) was the principal lecturer, and navigated our path through the fluid dynamics of icy processes in GFD. Towards the end of Grae’s lectures, we also held the 2006 GFD Public Lecture. This was given by Greg Dash of the University of Washington, on matters of ice physics and a well¬known popularization: “Nine Ices, Cloud Seeding and a Brother’s Farewell; how Kurt Vonnegut learned the science for Cat’s Cradle (but conveniently left some out).” We again held the talk at Redfield Auditorium, and relaxed in the evening sunshine at the reception afterwards. As usual, the principal lectures were followed by a variety of seminars on topics icy and otherwise. We had focused sessions on sea ice, the impact of ice on climate, and glaciology. This year was a good summer for softball, with the Fellows enjoying some notable successes on the field (against both the other WHOI teams and the staff team at the summer’s close). Some important acknowledgements: Young-Jin Kim helped out with the computers during the first few weeks, and Keith Bradley worked his usual magic in the Lab throughout the summer. The program continues to be indebted to W.H.O.I. Academic Programs, who once more provided a perfect atmosphere. Most unlike the '65 Dodge, Jeanne Fleming, Penny Foster and Janet Fields all contributed importantly to the smooth running of the program.
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Balmforth, N. J., & Wettlaufer, J. (2007). 2006 program of studies: ice. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://doi.org/10.1575/1912/1824
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