Auxiliary material submission for the following paper: “Atlantic water variability on the SE Greenland continental shelf and its relationship to SST” David A. Sutherland corresponding author, Department of Geological Sciences, 1272 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1272, 541-346-8753, Fiammetta Straneo Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Garry B. Stenson and Fraser Davidson Department of Fisheries and Oceans, St. John’s, Newfoundland, A1C 5X1, Canada Mike O. Hammill Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Mont-Joli, Quebec, G5H 3Z4, Canada Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid Department of Birds and Mammals, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources Introduction The auxiliary material here presents additional information on the database of seal dives used in the analysis of the manuscript. Auxiliary figure S1 shows the histogram of seal dives occurring in the three sub-regions (Cape Farewell, Sermilik Fjord, Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord) as a function of month. Auxiliary figures S2 and S3 present the seal-based mean temperature fields for the Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord and Cape Farewell sub-regions discussed in the manuscript, but not shown. These were analyzed identically to the temperature fields shown in Fig. 2 for Sermilik Fjord. Auxiliary figures S4 and S5 present the SST and standard deviations for the Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord and Cape Farewell sub-regions discussed in the manuscript, but not shown. These were analyzed identically to the fields shown in Fig. 3 for Sermilik Fjord. Auxiliary figures S6 and S7 present the bathymetric analysis for the Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord and Cape Farewell sub-regions discussed in the manuscript, but not shown. These were analyzed identically to the temperature fields shown in Fig. 7. Figure files and captions 1. SuppFig1_histogram.eps: Histogram of seal dives available on the SE Greenland shelf area in the Cape Farewell (CF), Sermilik Fjord (SF), and Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord (KG) sub-regions. 2. SuppFig2_revised.eps: (a) Zoom-in on the Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord sub-region showing the seal-derived summertime T0–50 field. Updated bathymetry (GEBCO plus seals) is shown for the 400-m isobath. (b) Same as a, but for T100–150. (c) Same as a, but for T200–250. (d) Same as a, but for T300–350. 3. SuppFig3_revised.eps: (a) Zoom-in on the Cape Farewell sub-region showing the seal-derived summertime T0–50 field. Updated bathymetry (GEBCO plus seals) is shown for the 400-m isobath. (b) Same as a, but for T100–150. (c) Same as a, but for T200–250. (d) Same as a, but for T300–350. 4. SuppFig4_revised.eps: (a) 2004–2010 mean SST over summer from the monthly 9 km MODIS SST product over the Kangerdlugssuaq (KG) region. The 400-m bathymetric contour (GEBCO plus seal) is shown (black) along with select SST isotherms (white). (b) Standard deviation, s, of T0-50 with isotherms from a overlaid. Gaps in seal coverage were set to 0 to ease comparison. (c) Same as b but for number of dives, N, per bin. 5. SuppFig5_revised.eps: (a) 2004–2010 mean SST over summer from the monthly 9 km MODIS SST product over the Cape Farewell region. The 400-m bathymetric contour (GEBCO plus seal) is shown (black) along with select SST isotherms (white). (b) Standard deviation, s, of T0-50 with isotherms from a overlaid. Gaps in seal coverage were set to 0 to ease comparison. (c) Same as b but for number of dives, N, per bin. 6. SuppFig6_revised.eps: (a) Map showing the location of seal dives (red) and available tracklines of bathymetric data (gray) near Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord (KF). Original GEBCO 300- and 400-m isobaths are contoured (black). (b) Gridded GEBCO bathymetric product with seal dives (black) and the thalweg section (magenta), with the 400-m isobath (black). (c) Updated GEBCO plus seal dive depth data bathymetry, with changes inside fjord (black box) from Schjøth et al. [2012]. (d) Gridded differences in depth (m), where positive means updated bathymetry is deeper (note the colorbar saturates at 100 m even though differences in the fjord are >100 m). (e) Depths along the thalweg section in b (solid) and c (dashed) with depth ranges for the sill area in c. 7. SuppFig7_revised.eps: (a) Map showing the location of seal dives (red) and available tracklines of bathymetric data (gray) near Cape Farewell (CF). Original GEBCO 300- and 400-m isobaths are contoured (black). (b) Gridded GEBCO bathymetric product with seal dives (black dots), with the 400-m isobath (black). (c) Updated GEBCO plus seal dive depth data bathymetry. (d) Gridded differences in depth (m), where positive means updated bathymetry is deeper. References Schjøth, F., C.S. Andresen, F. Straneo, T. Murray, K. Scharrer, and A. Korablev (2012), Campaign to map the bathymetry of a major Greenland fjord. Eos, Transactions, Amer. Geophys. Union (Brief Report), 93(14), 1. Sutherland, D.A. and R.S. Pickart (2008), The East Greenland Coastal Current: structure, variability, and forcing, Progr. Oceanogr., doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2007.09.006.