Auxiliary Material for Paper 2011GL050366 Mechanism for export of sediment-derived iron in an upwelling regime S. A. Siedlecki Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA A. Mahadevan Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA D. E. Archer Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA Siedlecki, S. A., A. Mahadevan, and D. E. Archer (2012), Mechanism for export of sediment-derived iron in an upwelling regime, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L03601, doi:10.1029/2011GL050366. Introduction This auxiliary material provides auxiliary methods and discussion to the paper including further detail into the sensitivity studies performed on the model parameters and two additional figures and one table. 1. 2011gl050366-txts01.doc Text S1. Auxiliary methods and discussion. 2. 2011gl050366-fs01.pdf Figure S1. Density initialization for the model taken from data collected off the coast of Newport, Oregon in August, 2009 using a CTD cast. 3. 2011gl050366-fs02.pdf Figure S2. The effect of eddies on the iron concentration on the shelf is shown by comparing panels (a) and (b). (a) Cross section of the time-averaged sedimentary iron concentration for downwelling periods from the oscillating wind scenario with a 10 day period from the simulation with too small of a domain to generate eddies. Colors are on a log scale. (b) same as (a), but from the simulation with a domain large enough (in the alongshore direction) to generate frontal instabilities and eddies. Density contours are plotted in black with a contour interval of 0.2 kg/m^3 and the 1027 kg/m^3 isopycnal plotted in bold. 4. 2011gl050366-ts01.doc Table S1. Efficiency of exported sediment-derived iron for different model runs. The base case described in the main paper is underlined - 10 day period, no mean wind, with a source of 8.1 mol m^-1 yr^-1, 192 km domain, a pressure gradient of 0.0004 N/m^3, scavenging rate of 0.00001 s^-1, and an uptake rate of 5 days. The period was changed in the oscillating wind scenario, while the magnitude remained the same. In the mean upwelling and downwelling cases, a mean wind was added to the 10-day period oscillating wind scenario. Several different pressure gradients (pg), scavenging rates (scav. rate), and uptake rates were tried. T1.1 Column "Forcing" details which model parameter was changed in the sensitivity study T1.2 Column "Export Efficiency" refers to the Efficiency of exported sediment- derived iron outlined in the text and has no units.