Auxiliary material to go with 'Upper Ocean Response to Hurricane Frances (2004) Observed by Profiling EM-APEX Floats', by Thomas B. Sanford, James F. Price, and James B. Girton, Journal of Physical Oceanography. These figures are in the same format as used for the single time shown in Fig. 9 of the manuscript. They show the observed and simulated profiles of current and density (blue vector sticks and green line) observed by EM-APEX (left column, with distance to the right of the track decreasing from top to bottom) and as simulated by the numerical model (right column; same positions as at left). The simulated current vector at depths shallower than 30 m are shown with a dotted vector, to indicate where the comparable depths were not sampled by EMAPEX. The time relative to the hurricane passage is shown at the upper center; the time interval between is 0.1 days. The red vector at the surface is the direction of the wind taken from HWIND. Blue dots shown to the left of the current profiles are estimates of the gradient Richardson number computed by first differences over 10 m. The gradient Richardson number is plotted with a red dot if the density difference over this interval was less than 0.001 kg/m^3, i.e., if the density was almost homogeneous vertically. The best way to view these images is to sort them by date, and then display them sequentially to achieve the effect of an animation of current, density and Richardson number.